Punk Head

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Can you tell us about the inspiration behind 'The iLLEST' and the story it tells?

Yeah, so the inspiration for ‘The iLLEST’ was to collect all the ones that are the gnarliest and illest of my vault of recordings. Like the Beastie Boys album Liscense To ill, This album is from the same vein and naturally tells its own story as a collection.

Can you talk about the recording and production process for 'The iLLEST?'

These song have been made over a few years time. Slowly crafting each one and maintaining that ill vibe.

What is your personal favorite piece from 'The iLLEST' and why?

Well, my favorite has to be “Immortaliy,” this one I managed to tap into a vibe that is unique and different. The way I play guitar together with the beat is so sick, raw and beautiful at the same time.

Can you describe your typical creative process when composing music? How do you usually start a new piece?

Alot of times I come up with an idea in my head first, like how I want the vibe to be. But it's not always one way that I start a song. For “GT” I was in the bathtub listening to The Doors and Soft Parade came on and the lyrics " Cobra on my left, Leopard on my right " triggered me. I wanted to capture that vibe and went into my studio right after the bath and pumped out the song. It was originally called Cobra on my left, Leopard on my right, but I changed it to “GT.”

Are there any specific themes or messages that you aim to convey through your music?

Alot of my content has movie clips in it ( not from movies but purchased from Loopmasters, an online sample store.) The clips make you think about stuff and question things alot of the time. But yeah the Bio on my Bandcamp site sums it up perfectly, " Street-Gnarly-Bliss-Rudeboy." Some peeps might not understand the "Bliss" part until they listen to 13th Temple, then they go "ahhhh."


