Punk Head

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5 Q&A With Ki To

Can you share any interesting or unique stories or perspectives in "West ft. Delorians?"

I wrote this track because this was during a time period where, I was dating around and felt lost. Being a sentimental person, I felt very fond and attached to people easily. Before learning to appreciate myself more, I'd often wonder.. How does this girl feel about me? Does this guy like me? Thus inspiring many lines in the song. Because I think humans may naturally wonder what we look like in another person's point of view... the song's concept is something that many can relate and heal to as they listen. "West" explores themes of insecurity and self-love with a production filled with warmth and comfort.

What has been one of your most favorite memories along the path to making "West ft. Delorians?"

I think seeing the initial reaction to the final demo of "West" from the people I hold dear. There's no other feeling like it. It's nerve wracking and vulnerable, but if you believe in the song, chances are -- those that care about you believe in it too.

Have you noticed any particular interpretations or connections that listeners have made with "West ft. Delorians?"

Yes, after the release of West.. I got plenty of DM's thanking me for encapsulating complex feelings into a song. To me, "West" is a record of longing. It's sad, but warm and healing at the same time. I'm glad many others picked up on it. Also, as an artist, you can see the names of the playlists on Spotify that people create. A lot of times these playlists would be called like "Driving" or "Poolside", "What my heart feels" and I couldn't have felt more understood and appreciated.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in music?

I initially created pop music. Although, I love pop music dearly and felt like it was my bread and butter.. I often felt as if something was a little off. When I started listening and creating Indie Pop/Bedroom music I fell in love. No matter how many times I repeated or played these records.. I never got tired. That's when I knew and had an 'aha' moment. Even when I take a break and listen to the songs I create months later, I still enjoy them. When it came to my old pop singles, I never felt as proud in comparison to the tracks I create now.

Can you walk us through your creative process when writing and composing music?

Delorians initially titled this instrumentally/production ‘West’ because the song was recorded when he was living on the west side of the Bali island. He says “The place is less busy and feels kind of mellow for him.” When I first received the instrumental demo, I had a strong pull to write to it. I remember being at my friend's Jessica place. She owned a studio apartment and at the time took great care of me. I was sitting on the couch while she was at work, daydreaming whilst staring outside the window and just filled with the feeling of sonder. In combination with these feelings, I played the instrumental over and over, and ended up writing the first draft in less than an hour. Right before teaching my dance class even.. These lyrics were then sent to Delorians for additional collaboration and that's how this song came to be!


