Punk Head

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5 Q&A With Head Sound

What is the creative process like?

It’s different for every song. This song was an experiment of sorts. I was trying out some new guitar sounds which inspired a chord progression, which inspired a melody. I wasn’t expecting to write a song that day, but it was all cascading; things just fell into place. The lyrics came from an old poem. The metering just fit perfectly with the melody. The whole song came together in about 45 minutes.

Can you describe the emotions or feelings you hope "Like a Painting" evokes in listeners?

I think most people have deep longings in their souls which call them backward, or forward, or upward. I hope this song helps people tether their own hopes and dreams to a more ideal future rather than mere nostalgia from the past. For me, that future looks like heaven; it looks like peace. I believe the dreams that inspired this song are, in fact, real. I will see those places one day, and that causes me to run into the future with a sense of optimism.

What has been one of your most favorite memories along the path to making "Like a Painting?"

When I first sent Stewbie the demo, I didn’t expect him to like it. I thought he would think it was too simple. When he told me I struck gold, I was surprised, but elated. It felt like my first real contribution to Head Sound. FYI Head Sound has two writers; Stewbie and Richard. “Like a Painting” was written by Richard.

How would you describe your musical style or genre?

Shoegaze and dream pop. This single is definitely leaving more in our shoegaze direction with a heavy influence by My Bloody Valentine who we are big fans of.

Where do you find inspiration for your songs or musical ideas?

This poem was inspired by dreams I had as a kid that still feel more “real” than reality itself. I replay these memories in my head often, and could paint every detail, if I could paint… I can’t. So I attempt to paint with words. The music of this song was inspired almost exclusively by My Bloody Valentine’s 1991 album, “Loveless”. I was trying to get that iconic, mushy, fuzzy rhythm guitar sound that Kevin Shields uses. I couldn’t find it, but I stumbled upon something that inspired me enough to write this song.


