Punk Head

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5 Q&A With For You Brother

What was the creative process like for this particular song?

I woke up around 2 am with the riff playing in my head. So I got up and recorded it.

Were there any challenges or breakthrough moments during the songwriting process for "Nice Money?"

We had a blast recording “Nice Money!” It's fun to play!

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for "Nice Money?"

Yes, I have a prototype Musicman EVH Guitar Edward Van Halen signed 4 guitars at the plant. Then they clearcoated on top of his signature. I have 1. The only time I've used this guitar was to record “Nice Money.”

Where do you find inspiration for your songs or musical ideas?

The riff was playing in my head when I woke up.

Can you share a memorable experience from a collaboration that enriched your music?

We have had so many amazing sessions together. Deep and I have literally written and recorded hundreds of songs. They’re all very organic.


