5 Q&A With Clash Clash Bang Bang

Photo Credit: Florian Hühn & Lunafacious

What is the creative process like?

When I write a song, it usually starts with an idea or a feeling—sometimes just a single line or expression. For "Cold as Ice," I was inspired by the animated movie Frozen. After watching it with a friend, I was fascinated by Elsa’s character and the Snow Queen archetype, who appears cold-hearted but is deeply complex. I began with a story in my mind and phrases like "I am cold as ice." Then, I sit down to write the lyrics, paying special attention to rhymes as they shape the song's creation. My favorite part follows: developing and evolving the music with the rest of the band, turning lyrics and melodies into a full song. "Cold as Ice" started as a slow ballad, but we later decided to make it danceable, evolving into the track it is now.

Could you discuss the lyrical themes or messages conveyed in "Cold as Ice?"

I always aim to tell a story through my lyrics. "Cold as Ice" delves into the tragic character of the ice queen, who, after experiencing immense pain and loss, decides to shut off her emotions and keep everyone at a distance to avoid further hurt. She becomes a seemingly cruel villain to protect herself, yet deep down, she still suffers. This mirrors the bohemian lifestyle many of us lead, facing a world where people often hurt each other without reason. The song reflects feelings of helplessness and the temptation to choose ignorance and apathy as coping mechanisms. It’s about dancing alone on a melting iceberg, facing the world’s harshness in a way that’s ultimately unsustainable.

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for "Cold as Ice?”

Definitely! We had to record my vocals twice because our home setup at Gasher's place initially caused an echo, especially when I sang loudly at the beginning. Gasher had to build a vocal booth to improve the recording quality and capture the intended emotion. Now we have a cozy vocal booth, and I actually enjoy being hidden in that little singing cave. :-)

Can you tell us more about you as a band?

We are Clash Clash Bang Bang - four stellar beings, each contributing a unique cosmic flair to create our signature Space Pop sound. I, the princess of the moon, bring vocals that echo the serene beauty and mystique of lunar nights. Our scientific guitarist and violinist from Ganymede infuse our melodies with icy passion. The keyboard player from Uranus adds resonant waves of rhythm, while our drummer, an android from Aldebaran, keeps the heartbeat of our music pulsing with celestial energy.

We've already graced Earth with over 40 dazzling gigs, each one a celebration of love, freedom, and unity. Our music is a radiant rainbow, embracing every hue of identity and love. We shatter the confines of binary gender, crafting melodies of liberation for all to discover and live their true selves. And even if you don't like us now, we believe you'll learn to love us.

Where do you find inspiration for your songs or musical ideas?

Inspiration comes from everyday life and strong emotional experiences. Moments of joy, pain, love, and loss all contribute to the themes we explore in our music. We also reflect on significant issues of our time, such as climate change and being queer in a predominantly straight world. Additionally, we address the challenges of coping with overstimulation and loneliness in an increasingly digital age.





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