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Robert Silvester On the Making Of “Secret Obsession”

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What was the creative process like for this particular single "Secret Obsession?"

The creative process for “Secret Obsession” felt long, we changed so much added bits removed sections. Its morphed into a much better song. I think it was after we added a brass section as a bridge that it really started to work. It gave it this retro/soul feel which I love. After that Rowen spent days recording backing vocals which in their style gives it a haunting edge. Then we added city noises and traffic, I particularly like the taxi beeping its horn at the end. Rowen is such a talented musician, song writer and artist, they are also in Trummerkind and write all the songs for the band. I couldn't or wouldn't make any songs without them just wouldn't be as much fun, Rowen is the maddest person I know, I love that lunatic.

How did you approach the arrangement and composition of the music for "Secret Obsession?"

Both Rowen and I were on the same wave length, I knew exactly the sound and feel I wanted for “Secret Obsession” and I had already written the lyrics, we eventually removed a verse to allow for the brass section.

I recorded the vocals on my phone with no music and emailed them to Rowen, within 2 days the original music was made. Then the long recording, rerecording, deleting, adding a backing track, backing vocals , frustration, tears, laughter and finally when it was ready it was sent to Duncan Chave to remix and master.

How did you work with the producer or engineers to bring your vision for this single to life?

Duncan Chave is a legend, he always knows exactly what we want or what a song needs, he does all the remixing and mastering for Trummerkind, Im the drummer in that post-punk band check us out on Spotify. Duncan really gets the bands sound, so when it came to mixing and mastering “Secret Obsession” he was the obvious choice, he sent me the first master and I was like thats perfect and we released it. Find the right Sound Engineer and listen to their advice, we were so lucky to find Duncan.

Where do you find inspiration for your songs or musical ideas?

I get inspiration from day to day life, something someone says in passing can start the writing process in my mind. “Secret Obsession” was inspired by and written for a dear friend of mine called Chelsea, we were just chatting about wanting a coffee and how cool it is to live in a city by the sea and to just walk about and drink coffee. Next thing Im frantically writing lyrics and creating a story in my mind. After I wrote I want to walk with you in your city by the sea it felt like it should be a song about longing, wanting and unrequited love then “Secret Obsession” was born.

Can you share a memorable experience from a collaboration that enriched your music?

The guy who plays guitar in Trummerkind and for my solo work is called Oli Sturdy, Im not sure he realises but hes a guitar genius. We are currently working on a song called Grey Eyes hopefully releasing later this year. He's currently in Itlay, I had the lyrics written again inspired by a friend of mine and I called him and asked for a Leonard Cohen style sort of acoustic guitar love song. I didnt tell him the words, 2 days later a message arrived he had recorded the guitar it was perfect, I mean perfect the words fitted and it sounds beautiful. I added the lyrics and sent the track to him to listen and we both agreed it sounded awesome, then towards the end you could hear his dogs barking haha, I actually liked the barking dogs, but he has sinced re recorded the guitar. His humour and personality definitley enrich any music we record together.
Im so lucky to have so many amazing talented people to work with and I thank them all for their hard work, dedication and friendship.

