REAFFINITY On the Making Of ‘Tether’

What was the creative process like for this particular EP 'Tether?'

From the beginning, I wanted to keep the process as simple and fun as I could. Over the years, I’ve tended to over-complicate writing and recording to the point where I felt like I couldn’t finish anything. I tried to remove as many obstacles as I could focus more on the creative side. I spent a lot of time trying to get the right “feeling” of the sound and the vibe, which then inspired me to try new sonic directions.

What is your personal favorite song from 'Tether' and why?

I’d have to say my personal favorite right now is “All Along”. While it’s not the fastest-paced song in the set, there are several intricacies hidden beneath the surface that I love about it. How it all came together kind of surprised me too. It has a cool groove and is such a fun song.

How did you work with the producer or engineers to bring your vision for 'Tether' to life?

Tether was actually all self-recorded, mixed, and produced. So you could imagine at times it could get heated! Loneliness aside, one very important concept was making sure all the songs fit to tell a story. Each song had to be different enough but also cohesive in feeling with the others. I really hope that this came across in the final result. Hopefully, on the next release, I will get the chance to work with some great producers and engineers!

What inspired you to pursue a career in music?

It just feels like something I’ve always had to do, ever since I was introduced to music. I think for many people who love music in whatever form it takes, it’s a constant in their lives. There are not too many things in this world that do what music can do.

What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced as a musician, and how did you overcome them?

There are lots of challenges you face as a musician (and I’m still facing new ones each day). Self-doubt, motivation, rejection, and a constantly changing industry just to name a few. It’s the music, of course at the core of it all that keeps you going.





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