Olle Vahlgren On the Making Of ‘Steelbolt’

What was the creative process like for this particular 'Steelbolt?'

I produce a lot of music and I have been in the midst of also producing a futuristic LP. That full-length album is the most conceptual work I've done so far, so while I was producing and writing for that album I still wanted to make something just for fun...something clubby. That feeling turned into ‘Steelbolt.’ I just wanted to make something witty and energizing for the club while I was making my bigger album. I view ‘Steelbolt’ as a kind of appetizer for my bigger upcoming work, and that is also how I've treated it during the creative process...something for me to just sit down, bop my head to, and write something witty and unique too. In many ways, it has given me a chance to breathe, and jump between feelings and ideas. So ‘Steelbolt’ still means a whole lot to me.

Were there any challenges or breakthrough moments during the songwriting process for 'Steelbolt?'

A challenge was for sure to make it something original, with my identity ingrained in it. I want all of my projects to be original and offer something out of the ordinary from what is usually written about. I think I succeded with that pretty well, all of the texts address much personal stuff while still being witty, and they all have a deep meaning for me.

Which song do you like the best and why?

I have a hard time deciding between "Turn It" and "23.55". They both go super hard and make me energized. However, I think I'll have to go with "Turn It". I feel like I managed to write some really cool rhymes and flows to that one, and I also feel like my percussion for "Turn It" is just right.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in music?

I've basically always been interested in listening to music. When I was very young I have a lot of memories of listening to Iron Maiden and AC/DC with my dad, we went to an AC/DC concert when I was 9. I remember it was so loud that I started crying, but it was still fun. I also started playing guitar when I was 9, and later jammed with a band of friends from when I was like 10-12 years old. During my early teenage years, I had some years where I didn't play as much music, I still listened to a lot though. It was just that played handball at the same time, so I pretty much prioritized that over playing guitar. When I was 18 I got injured though, and during rehab, I picked up the guitar and started making short snippets, which then turned into me wanting to make an album. And from there I've just been producing, writing, and mixing more and more.

Where do you find inspiration for your songs or musical ideas?

Everywhere basically. From all the music I listen to, from my family and friends, from movies or other forms of art, or from nature or the weather. It's very much a day-to-day thing, some days I'm not that inspired, but still inspired enough to make something, whether that is a beat or page for one of my books...and other days I get inspired very easily, from a variety of stuff...I think this question is difficult to answer concretely, maybe my answer says nothing.



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