Punk Head

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Occurrence “Slow Violence”

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Inspired by “slow violence,” a term found in environmental studies to describe ecological harm that happens imperceptibly in a community, Occurrence takes it as an analogy for their fourth studio album, Slow Violence. Based on personal experiences and introspective moments, the songs in Slow Violence tackle heavy but necessary topics. From post-partum depression to the last letter sent from an ex-partner, to the discussion of failure and philosophical questions, the narratives of Slow Violence are a microscopic portrait of life itself.

Cathartic and inspirational, the twenty-two songs in Slow Violence say what much needed to be said. There’s a story behind each of these songs, whether it is dark or bright. Slow Violence sees diversity in its sounds, palettes and influences. Ranging from infectious dark wave and palpable beats to euphoric digital funk and ethereal synth pads, the album takes listeners on an expansive ride.

Bad moments are just as important as good moments. The members of Occurrence open themselves up collectively. Written from an honest space, not afraid of being vulnerable and exposed, Slow Violence is confrontational and therapeutic. Occurrence vocalize experiences and feelings that are often buried and overlooked in our daily life. Slow Violence is a tear-jerker.