Marlene Larsen On the Making Of ‘Galore’

What was the creative process like for this particular 'Galore?’

Well, first I have to say I wrote hundreds of songs over the years. I’ve been in several small bands and explored different genres. This EP is super special to me because it is my solo debut. It was important that it showcased what I can do musically, lyrically, and vocally, and that it also showed who I am and where I come from as an artist and person. I’m very much inspired by all those female-fronted bands and artists from the 90s and early 2000s. I wanted the same saturated guitars, the heavy drums, the dreamy vocals. I also wanted the songs to be modern, catchy and the lyrics to be authentic well written stories.

At the time, when I started putting the record together, I was obsessed with the concept of « abundance », of manifesting my dream life. I felt like it was time to stop the self-sabotage and be brave enough to dare being in the spotlight for real. I knew I wanted to name the record ‘Galore’ way before I had written the song “Galore.” It’s one of my favorite words ever and yeah, I was obsessed with it.

So I wrote the 5 songs on the record and produced them in my bedroom for over a year, then I went to the studio for a week to record the instruments and vocals, and after a few mixing sessions… it was done, and it was even better than I had ever imagined.

Could you discuss the lyrical themes or messages conveyed in 'Galore?’

‘Galore’ is definitely about daring to become who you are meant to be. Figuring out the real you, not the version of you society expects, and not what you think close people expect you to be. It’s about being fine on the surface but going through deep inner change. It’s about being truly honest with yourself and others for the first time ever, with self-derision as a way to lighten it all up. It’s nuanced and hopeful, dense and delicate.

What has been one of your favorite memories along the path to making 'Galore?'

When I listened to the first mixed version of the songs: I cried like a baby. I will always remember this moment. I was in my home studio with Helene, my right-hand woman, and we were very anxious to listen. I cried because it was good, because I was relieved that it wasn't bad, and I couldn’t stop asking Helene « I wrote this? I made this? This is all mine, are you sure? ». A big emotional moment for sure.

Can you share a bit about your musical background and the journey that led you to where you are today?

I’m from rural France, and I do not come from a music enthusiast background at all. But! My mother owned The Beatles’ Red Album. I listened to that record until it broke. In high school, I made a girlfriend who played guitar, and we started writing songs. Then I was very lucky to spend a big part of my teenage and young adult years in the UK, and it opened my ears and mind. I quickly became a FAN, of Paramore, Taylor Swift, of many bands and artists. I was obsessed with having my own band and made that dream come true as soon as possible (meaning as soon as I moved to a big city). I never studied music. My first band was a heavy rock ACDC type of band, I was 17, and since then I have tried many genres of music. And now, voila! This is me, debuting my solo career, making the music I’ve been wanting to make since I was a kid.

What do you enjoy most about performing live and connecting with your audience?

PEOPLE SINGING MY SONGS. It is the most exhilarating thing EVER, and it started happening a couple of months ago since my first single “Galore” was released. It’s AMAZING! Makes me feel like the luckiest girl on the planet.





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