Marcus Mackey On the Making Of “S.E.L.”

How does "S.E.L." reflect your musical journey and growth as an artist?

Even though it’s my first "official" release, my musical journey has been a lifelong one. I am very proud of being able to be in the place in my life where I can share this bop with the world. Something I don't know if a year or two ago, I could've had the mindset to do.

Through "S.E.L.," I wanted to create a compelling exploration of modern relationships and the complexities of today's dating landscape. It's a song that takes listeners on a rollercoaster ride through the layers and complications of love. My inspiration for this track comes from my own personal experiences, and I wanted to infuse it with raw emotions to make it as authentic as possible.

Can you talk about the recording and production process for "S.E.L.?”

I am so thankful for Luke Villemur. Since day one, I've felt such a connection with him musically and also as a person. I am thankful to call him my friend. He's a pop music genius and he doesn't know it yet!

”S.E.L.” wouldn't be what it is without him. The moment we decided to work together our chemistry flowed so well and basically after a session had the bones of what is today my first song.

What impact do you hope "S.E.L." will have on your audience?

I knew that I didn't want to make a sad song, I wanted to inject a positive perspective into the moments of sorrow that dating tends to take us through. When people hear it, I want them to feel optimism in the face of chaos and also be able to dance through these moments.

Was there a pivotal moment in your life when you decided to follow your path as a musician?

I always knew this was what I wanted to do. I just didn't give myself the chance to fully pursue it because I had spent so much time of my life, listening to others' ideas of what I should do, how I should live, and where I should be. I think for the first time I decided to not listen to anyone and get to work.

The work is internal, the work is in the soul, you have to shut the noise and focus on your inner voice. What would truly make me happy? And creating "S.E.L" was what I needed!

What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced as a musician, and how did you overcome them?

The biggest challenge that played off the previous answer was overcoming my demons, doubt, and the voices inside my head. We all have them! That inner voice that keeps us frozen from doing what we want to do because of fear of failing or what others will say. I've shed that skin and every day is a bit easier to come to terms with putting me and my music out there for the world to judge.





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