JIMMY DE LA MAR On the Making Of “I Gotta Know EDM”

Can you share any interesting or unique musical elements or production techniques used in this remix single "I gotta Know EDM" ?

The big task was to turn an already existing song into a completely different one. I kept only the vocals and re-recorded everything else. The difficult part is not to fall into the old melodies and rhythms. If you compare both songs, I'm very happy with the result.

How has the audience response been to this release during live shows?

So far I have received only positive reaction. The song also literally invites you to sing along and dance.

How do you feel this single represents your artistic identity or musical evolution?

I want the people who listen to my music to have fun and enjoy themselves. Therefore, I never commit myself to a particular music style. I want to stay flexible and produce what I just feel like. If they listen to my published songs, then there could also play a playlist of different artists. Because no song sounds like the other. So of course I have expanded my experience as a producer again and again. Because every music style has its own production processes and musical characteristics.

Are there any particular skills or techniques that you have been working on lately?

I had to learn new rules of production for EDM. The songs are structured differently than with house. With EDM there is also always a basic melody that carries the song. The vocals don't play such a big role as in house. Also, the mood of the song and the structure is different. All this I had to learn again first.

Are there any upcoming projects or releases that you're particularly excited about?

I plan to release a new album next year. It will be a pure EDM album. On it will be half new songs and the other half, already released songs as EDM remix. This year I will also release a new soul house song. The date is not yet exactly fixed.





Occurrence “Slow Violence”


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