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Foley Street On the Making Of “No In Between”

Can you share any interesting or unique musical elements or production techniques used in "No In Between?"

For us, it’s all about getting under the skin of the song....knowing what feeling and mood we want to create. “No In Between” is a great song... our challenge was turning what was a very simple singer-songwriter voice and guitar production into something multi-layered, beat-driven, and electronic. Our approach involved building the music in a way that really amplified the emotion of the original. We gradually added layers and elements until we reached this wide, epic blend of music layers with Poppy's pure voice right in the centre. And you know what? We tried cranking up the tempo a bit too.. and it worked. We think we created a crafted electronic pop production but kept true to the meaning of the song but added a fresh, energetic twist to it.

What has been one of your favorite memories along the path to making "No In Between?"

A standout moment was when we first played Poppy this new and very different version of her song and hearing her reaction! We had to scrap her off the studio ceiling she was so excited. It’s always nerve-wracking at this moment as the style of the original is so ingrained in the songwriter’s mind and you never know the reaction you’ll get. But we do this all the time in our own songwriting process with Richard often writing the song alone in a very simple format –just voice and guitar or piano -and Marc then taking it and ramping up the production to transform it... so we were well prepared! Ultimately witnessing the song's transformation from concept to full production is always great forus.

How does this single fit into your overall artistic vision?

"No In Between" aligns with our goal of creating emotionally resonant music. As producers and songwriters, we often shift genre and style in the pursuit of the emotion behind whatever track we are working on, and “No In Between” was now different. Ultimately, it’s about our love of the song and storytelling. Whether working just as FOLEY STREET or collaborating with other artists like Poppyour aim is just to continue to create a suite of great songs.

What genres of music do you primarily focus on, and what draws you to those genres?

We don’t stick rigidly to specific genres but our primary focus is on pop, indie, and electronic. We like to keep the creative freedom to allow explore wherever the vibe takes us. We have many influences across loads of genres and it’s great to just see where your mind and the mood take you when writing.

Collaboration is often crucial in music production. How do you collaborate with artists and other professionals to bring a project to life?

When we collaborate, as with Poppy, like so many things in life the key to success is in the relationship. Do you get along? Do you share the same vision and ambition? Does the relationship feel authentic and honest? Whenever we explore the idea of a partnership, we are always clear that honesty comes first. So much studio time is wasted on poor communication and not feeling free enough to express opinions. So start by getting to know each other...it saves time in the long run. It doesn’t always work out ..it’s like dating, sometimes it doesn’t but it’s better to find out sooner rather than later! The magic happens when each individual brings something unique to the project that perfectly complements the others...that’s certainly what happened with “No In Between.”

