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Dominique Ilie On the Making Of "Safe''

What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of "Safe?"

I was writing Safe with the idea of a story for my album. Safe is going to be the first song on the album and is the overall lyrical prompt for the beginning part of the album. My songs are all about love, and this upcoming album will be no different.

How does "Safe" reflect your musical journey and growth as an artist?

I took a break from releasing any new music for a year. Safe is my first release after my break and I think it shows more maturity in lyrics and music. Obviously taste and sound change over time and not only do I sound completely different but my music taste and style have changed from strait pop to more of an R&B style.

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for "Safe?”

Every time I'm in the studio memorable things happen but this was really cool because it was my first time working with the producer and co-writer of this song, Danny Hajj, and Timeline. Creating this song was so fun and it was an amazing experience getting to work with those two incredibly talented minds.

Can you walk us through your creative process when writing and composing music?

For me, it's easier to write to a beat or to an instrument. It's harder for me to start with lyrics and then at it to a beat it just feels weird. I also tend to write the chorus first and then the verses. I feel like it's easier to write the more repetitive/commercial part of the song first and then get into the juicy stuff, but every artist has their own ways of writing music and there all great in their own ways.

What do you enjoy most about performing live and connecting with your audience?

Performing is probably one of my favorite parts about being a musician. Being able to see people connect with the music I create is one of the most rewarding things ever. Whenever I'm on stage I feel like I'm just hanging out with my friends and vibing, it never really feels like work.


