Cheree ‘Factory’

Oakland’s loudest and best industrial band Cheree launches their long-waited debut EP, Factory, on Friday. Known for their ear-splitting, roof-lifting live performers around town, the four-piece band only surprise more. Experimental, highly distorted, abstract but fueled by their unapologetic attitudes , Factory is a post punk masterpiece. Released through Cherub Dream Records, their harsh, mechanical yet raw sounds go beyond aesthetic.

“I never did sleep well in this society,” lead singer Vanessa screams in the opening track “A Choice.” Coming from the same thread of their brutal, unbending sounds, Factory speaks up against capitalism, a topic that hits closer to home for men and women who live in the same reality. Irony, angst intertwined with sarcasm and hard truth, their volume is turned all the way up.

Exhilarating and unstoppable. Just as the machines and blood-sucking capitalists that exploit and overrule. Cheree’s unmistakable sounds speak louder than words. Instead of a collection of songs, Factory is more like art that rebels against those in power and represents the voices that need to be heard.


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