Jorge “Entre Células”

Between two cells, there’s an entire universe, epic, vivid, full of wonder. Jorge brings a special adventure through his album Entre Celulas, where he takes listeners for a spin in his own sonic universe. The unseen beauty, long forgotten in the smallest corner are being remembered and cherished through eight songs. From the illuminating moment of sunrise to the mythical night, Jorge invites you to witness something tiny but extraordinary woven together by ambience and electronics.

“Plea Manha” (In the Morning) kicks start the album with swirling synth and popping sonics that travel across your ears from side to side. The peaceful track has a light, obscure hopefulness in it as it illuminates softly. “Sonhos Teluricos” (Telluric Dreams), on the other hand, evokes some of the most primal feelings with the visualization of the unknown and darkness. The echoes that seem to attempt. The mystic that the earth holds in its rawest form.

“Para Onde Ir, Senao Aqui?” (Where to go but here) puts you right in the middle of a crossroad where the busy sonics depict the uncertainty with a speck of wonder and excitement. The nuanced track also has a side of tenderness that feels very special. “A Vida Debaixo da Pele” (Life Under the Skin), takes a trip under a microscope where things are splendid and epic. There’s so much you didn’t yet know that Jorge has passionately captured in his music.

“Olhares Sequenciais” (Sequential Looks) marks the most spirited track in the album with sounds chasing each other while evolving into something else. You could literally hear the different personalities that each layer of sound represents. It’s such a dynamic and vivid composition.

“Entre Duas Celulas, Cabe Um Universo” (Between Two Cells, A Universe Fits) hits home with an unexpected adventure in a gently colorful sonic palette. “Quando a Noite Cai” (When the Night Falls) then concludes the album with frizzled, swelling sounds and fleeing glitters — the earth and the sky, two that seems to have a different relationship at night, and you certainly won’t be thinking that way before listening to Jorge’s music.




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