Carson Ferris “Drive Alone”

Inspired by the work of OneRepublic and Ryan Tedder, Carson Ferris’s music draws you in almost on an instant. Intriguing guitar work radiates melodies and rhythms, giving the track a nice indie touch, pulling audiences closer to the artist, then the infectious groove and even touching vocals glue you to the song. “Drive Alone” is an instant hit. It’s the kind of song that you simply can’t stop listening. And when it reaches its last note, the melodies continue to haunt you for long.

In “Drive Alone,” Carson Ferris delivers a message which everyone could relate: to take control of your own life and be in your own lane, not letting someone else or anything else to determine your life. There’s a lot of courage and momentum in his vocals and the sonics. Honesty and transparency seems to come natural in his music, and it shines through. The dynamic “Drive Alone” inspires changes and actions. Listening to this song is a healing and cathartic experience.

Check our interview with Ferris below, where we talk about his inspirations and music journey.

Punk Head: I absolutely love how appealing your storytelling in "Drive Alone" is. Can you tell us more about your musical journey so far?

Carson Ferris: Just like in Drive Alone, where I'm talking about not wanting to take the backseat and going my own way, sometimes I have to weigh the advice people give me. One time I was having a meeting with a social media guru that my former producer had introduced me to, and he thought it would be a good idea to put out a fake news story that my parents had gotten me engaged! At the time I was only eleven. These sort of situations have popped up all throughout my music career so far, and even just in everyday life, though maybe not usually that extreme.

PH: What do you like the best about this track?

Ferris: I like a lot of things about ‘Drive Alone,’ but if I had to pick one I would say I like the main guitar riff the most. Me and my producer were sitting in the studio working on this song, and he started plucking it out, and I was like, ‘yeah! That's the one!’

PH: What do you aim to accomplish in the near future?

Ferris: I’ve been spending lots of time in the studio, and I plan to be consistently releasing songs every 6 weeks, building up momentum and getting my music out there.

PH: Who are your biggest inspirations?

Ferris: One of my biggest inspirations is OneRepublic. What grabs me first is the rhythm and melody, but then I keep listening because the lyrics keep me interested. I really admire Ryan Tedder's lyric writing. In the song ‘Someday’ there's a line that goes: ‘Sometimes I drown in the weight of the things that I think I need.’ It uses a lot of cool imagery, and it really resonates with you. The melody usually comes easier to me, and the lyrics are more of a challenge, so I would love to pull people in with the melody, but then they stay for the lyrics.

PH: What is the one thing you’d like your fans to know about you?

Ferris: I want them to know that I really appreciate their support. It's an amazing and humbling feeling to know that I have fans who care about what I create and the music I share.


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