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2 Libras “Heart On” - Review

You probably have not heard anything like this before you turn on the volume of “Heart On.” Searing sonics coiled in a seemingly cold, electronic exterior, while the sizzling, monstrous fuzz swells and flashes, diffusing into their darkly alluring sonic installment. “Heart On” sees 2 Libras sonically and sensuously tackles futurism in their sonic landscape. Impressionistic, drastic, and seductive, “Heart On” evokes such strange combination of audiovisuals in your mind, engaging with all your six senses. Their silhouette sonic palette isn’t something you’d hear everyday.

“Heart On” paints a mellow ominousness. Hypnotic beats set the tone for a minimalistic, however drastic backdrop, while the vocals are sinisterly stirring and alluring. The track calls for deeper expression and human connection in a world that seems more and more like a colony of technology. 2 Libras urge listeners to reconnect with their heart, mind, and body, instead of letting internet/technology takes control of your perception.

“Heart On” is the second single rom their forthcoming album World’s End. In our interview below, we chat with Wesley and Jewels from 2 Libras about the single and what differentiates them as a creative collective.

Punk Head: I love how you blend different elements and colors in “Heart On." Is there a specific aesthetic on your mind in the creation process?

Wesley: For “Heart On,” I wanted to write a cute but sexy love song to my wife. It felt a little innocent but also bratty with tongue-in-cheek humor. The pun can feel so juvenile but instead is the perfect representation of my youthful public display of affection.

Jewels: I immediately wanted to add some groovy elements to the music that'll make you want to walk down the street and strut your stuff when you listen to it.

PH: What are you most proud about this track?

2 Libras: We're most proud that we made it happen. This was one of the first songs that we were conceptualizing when we first started the band but we weren’t happy with it until we could get it just right. We're also proud how the music video came out. It's the perfect representation of how comfortable we can be with our artistic expression even when we know other viewers, listeners, and the music industry itself may not understand us at times.

PH: Can you tell us more about you as an artist?

2 Libras: We don’t ever want to be boxed in to any one label or genre. We like to mix it up and try new things. It keeps it fresh and fun forever. We like to encourage everyone to be their authentic self too.

PH: Who are your biggest inspirations?

Jewels: The Kills, U2, Bjork, Pearl Jam, The Black Queen, Tycho, Minuit Machine, IAMX, Trevor Something.

Wesley: Nine Inch Nails, Failure, The Faint, Aphex Twin, The Beatles, LCD Soundsystem.

PH: What would you like to say to your fans out there?

2 Libras: In the dark times that we’re living in right now, be the light. A smile and some kindness can make a world of difference for someone’s day. We love you all and hope to see you at one of our next shows.