snakesnakewhale. Releases “You'll Get That On These Big Jobs”

Can you briefly describe what the song/each song is about?

“You’ll Get That On These Big Jobs” is about dealing with the impermanence of life. All things change and all we can do is adapt, but this song acknowledges that it isn’t always the easiest thing to do. [Brought on by the death of loved ones, the lyrics flirt with the fear of wasting the time we’re given and realizing everything we know will someday fade.]

Is there a particular ethos behind the single/EP/album or any particular music styles or events that inspired it?

Our band is comprised of a bunch of 30-somethings writing the music we would have loved to listen to as we were growing up. Nostalgia plays a large part in our songwriting and our general feel.

Where was the single/EP/album recorded and who was involved in its production?

This single was recorded at Loc-Level Sound, in Asheville, NC. It was mixed by our good friend Tommy Burns.

How and where did you get together?

We've all played music in Asheville, NC, and got to know each other well. After years of playing shows together, we decided to join forces with our best friends from all different bands to create snakesnakewhale.

What are the band's main influences?

We love a wide variety of mid-west emo, nerdy rock, hard-hitting post-hardcore, and a touch of pop punk.




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