Punk Head

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Photo credit: @j.0x00n

“Just Wait” was created at a down moment after Yargii has gotten into some trouble. Getting sober, reflecting on the past and the present, the artist channeled his raw emotions into an emotive song. “Just Wait” gets under your skin.

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An authentic guitar strumming recreates the moment when inspirations hit. Yargii sat on a hotel bed, speaking about what was on his mind and in his heart. A reverberant, surreal vocal along with the ringing harmonious texture expands the traditional indie rock color palette.

“Just wait, give me some time. Everything is fine, you’ll be alright.” The past is in the past while regret is haunting the present. “Just give me a sign” echoes in your ears and speaks directly to your heart. Everyone who has been lost and experienced the lows in life could relate to the feelings in “Just Wait.”

The production has a sense of muddiness and overwhelmingness reflecting a slightly chaotic moment of life. Infusing pop and hip hop elements into its narrative, Yargii created layers and dimensions to its storytelling.

Written by Katrina Yang


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