Punk Head

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Photo credit: Oscar Keys

The sting of youthful love is always one hard to forget. From the sweetest memories to its painful end, it was the first realization that sometimes, we don’t seem to have control over the other side of the story. Love, even the one that tickles your heart, can come to a natural end no matter how hard we try.

“Losing Sleep” picks up the story from its lowest point when something/someone close to you is being ripped apart from your daily experience. It stings, and it haunts. Lévyne captured that pure energy with her subdued vocal.

Blossoming, lighter-than-a-feather soundscape symbolizes growth and becoming. The process of healing begins with a realization and progresses towards the reconnection with oneself. Finding the joy in life again and learning to love; there is beauty in the embrace of pain.

The music video by Oscar Keys shows a different side of growth from childhood to adulthood, giving the lyrics and sonics another layer of meaning. “Losing Sleep” is hard to ignore. It speaks to you, no matter your age or stage in life.

Written by Katrina Yang


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