“Love Is Real” has a minimal, cinematic approach in its storytelling. Clifford speaks about wanting and hope in an empty, spacious room where the sound echoes between walls and specks of dust. The song remains a very minimalistic, intimate acoustic setting with light bell embellishment that sparks in between. Epic, sparse drum emphasizes now and then, evoking deeper feelings.
Something raw and real in the artist’s voice makes the tune so powerful. A light shiver expresses the outpouring emotions during the performance, which is well preserved during production. “I unexpectedly found myself tearing up during my favorite lines, which are the actual takes I used for the song," Clifford commented.
“Love Is Real” touches on feelings, loneliness, and longing in its introspective lyricism, discussing the line between reality and dream. The song narrates around the searching for love and how our relationship with others sometimes reflects the one we have with ourselves.
“There are double meanings throughout the song about someone’s want for love vs. the truth about love,” said Clifford, “The want for love is about the self while the truth for love is about reality. A loving relationship is a two-way street in that you can’t have a strong relationship with someone without having a strong relationship with yourself. Both play an important part in a love relationship because reality is now, and dreaming is the future.”
Written by Katrina Yang