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Sons of Luther “Not To Worry”

Skeletons hardly deliver good omens, but in this case with Sons of Luther’s “Not To Worry,” they do, and they apparently do a much better job than angles or something people normally associate with positivity and good omens. “Not To Worry” is witty and charming. It revolves around the common worries and anxieties, especially around money-making, and if you want to read more into it, it could address some of the sins in the process as well (jealousy, greed, pride).

The skeletons open their mouths and tell you, “Not To Worry.”

Sons of Luther is really good at connecting visual symbols with sonic expressions. The catchy, gritty electric guitar perfectly captures the fun-being-dead skeletons. It creates a very strong impression. The distorted vocal, on the other hand, is full of personality — sarcastic, fun and relatable. The lyrics and the way they are expressed create vivid imagery in your head that makes the song a success.

Sons of Luther is a dynamic and versatile band with appealing songwriting. “Not To Worry” lean heavily towards the rock genre, however, it doesn’t represent the full picture of this band. In the past, they have tackled some very different genres and moods. For example, “Kill Your Darlings” is a dark pop with swirling emotive textures. “The Wrong Way” on the other hand ignites wicked fire with immersive heavy rock soundscapes.

Now when we look back at “Not To Worry,” it seems like the song’s likability is very much connected to their versatility and the ability to subtly add nuance from different genres and influences. Sons of Luther is a band that worth your while, so do take time to explore their releases.