Braulio Cruz “An Endless Love”

Photo credit: Cole Witter

“An Endless Love” is off to an urgent start. The bouncy beat tightens around a wavy synth, vertically and horizontally weaving into an intense, cosmic vision. The track takes full advantage of 3-D surroundings, while Braulio Cruz’s smooth airy falsetto takes your thought away into a journey of love.

Simple and effortless, each contraction evokes an energy that is as fierce as passion and as smooth as the healing hands. Before you realize it, the pulsation of sound has become the flames that dance in the dark, spiraling down a mysterious symbolic path.

Braulio Cruz’s hypnotic, atmospheric vocal has calming energy in the spacious sonic. Its poetic, romantic flair feels both intimate and distant with a touch of cosmic psychedelic in the dream-pop soundscape. Inspired by the endless curiosity for the unknown, “An Endless Love” poses a question larger than anything and anyone into its fluid-like, vacant imaginary space.

Originated from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Braulio is a gay artist based in New York City, making music and exploring themes of psychology, psychedelics, spirituality, and homosexuality. His work empowers and embraces the natural sparks and destructive force of creativity. His previous release, “Pool” centers on the feeling of young love and loss of a parent, and “The Braille of the Soul” tackles spiritual crisis and his Brazilian roots.


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