Al Mur “Duende”

The lo-if instrumental track “Duende” from Al Mur creates such a beautifully relaxing vibe that takes all your stresses and worries off, as if there’s a switch on the back of your head and once the music starts, it just turns all the troubling thoughts off and invites you for a danceable moment.

“Duende” is the perfect music that you can listen to at bedtime because you know the dreamland will be colorful and illuminating. It has such a positive and beautiful vibe, upbeat but calm at the same time. It’s the kind of music that puts a smile on your face.

The track opens with an atmospheric piano at a distance, gradually approaching, adding layers of instrumentation. Expressive saxophone melodies weave their free-form ideas into fantastic colors like butterflies tip toeing on your happy nerves.

The surreal dream-like quality of “Duende” is gifted by electronics. The laid-back beats and fascinating effects are the final touch that put life and spirit into the live elements. Al Mur balanced these elements really well, creating an imaginative and relaxing atmosphere that everyone could enjoy.

The only thing that felt lacking, though, was the wish that this piece could be longer, like an hour long so listeners could be fully immersed in its magical dreamland.


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