A.b. Violet “EQUINOX”

The battle between the heaviness of life and the light and hope is a constant struggle in our human experiences. Delving into the matters of overwhelm, pessimism, and regret, A. b. Violet navigates the conflicting nature of life through EQUINOX.

The EP finds a perfect blend of house, electronic pop, ambient, and storytelling, driving down the road towards freedom. Infectious beats make you want to lose yourself in it, but A. b. Violet’s angelic voice grasps your breath and guides you through this artistic transformation.

Two opposite elements confront each other, brutally without holding back — that’s the aesthetic of EQUINOX, however, there is another layer to it. Holding onto either side would make life miserable, but the true living of life holds the key to the journey.

EQUINOX sets its scene on a dark, driving road. It’s wild and a little dangerous, at times, it can be overwhelming, but just as the tracks make it so danceable and cathartic, there’s beauty in the journey itself.

It may have been unintentional, but A. b. Violet transforms life’s battlefield into a butterfly. Its road may not always be easy, but it’s graceful and breathtaking, even in the darkest moments.


Jamythyst “Wild Baby”


RED “Expensive Taste”