Once someone has quenched the flame, it’s hard to regain the trust. Fight or flight reflex constantly alerted; we hold on to ourselves, barely surviving from the pain. We carry the hurt to people who don’t deserve the treatment. We still believe in love, but we are on guard, hesitant, and terrified to get hurt.  

Inspired by a conversation, “Let Me In, My Lady” shed light on past wounds and trust issues from the perspective of someone on the other side of the dating table. “I have run into so many women who feel less because of their previous boyfriends,” Phillip Good commented, “I want women, in general, to know it’s nothing they did wrong. Let me in, and let me treat you like a lady.” 

In his warm, inviting, alluring voice, Phillip Good sends a positive message to women with a heartfelt reminder of romance in “Let Me In, My Lady.” Regardless of the bad experiences, there are good people to share a wonderful journey, growing, healing, and having a good time. Only when we open our hearts and welcome new experiences will we begin to create good, healthy memories and relationships.  

Inspired by his seven-year-old daughter, who has a special music talent, Phillip Good self-taught singing, quitted his career, moved to a different state, and dedicated his every effort to music. “I know she's watching and listening and learning from me, so it’s super important to give it my all,” he said, “I just hope she sees my dedication and hard work, and she takes it farther than I could ever; imagine.” 

As a firm believer in the law of attraction, he addresses social issues with a positive outlook, always inspiring changes and hope. “I focus on the lyrics and the feeling of the beat,” said Good, “All my songs would have a meaning and a purpose to help others or help others in similar situations. My dream is to be heard.” 

Audiences around the world have well received the message in Phillip Good’s songs. Over the course, people have reached out to him about how his music has transformed their lives in positive directions. His dedication and good intention have attracted a large group of followers. For the next song he’s releasing with his daughter, they have already received 12k pre-save and over millions of views on Instagram and Tik Tok.

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Review & interview: JACOB KHALIL “I STILL BELIEVE”
