LUKE TANGERINE On the Making Of ‘Interstellar Radio’

Can you share any interesting or unique musical elements or production techniques used in 'Interstellar Radio?’

Of course. There are a lot of sound design behind this album. Most sounds you can hear in this album are created and designed with analog synthesizers. I used granular synthesis techniques to produce the unique sounds. For example, fun fact: the beat for the track “Enceladus” I just recorded my coffee machine and redesigned it in a drums alike sounding background beat.

What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of 'Interstellar Radio?’

I am a serious lover of astrophysics. The scientific literature and movies inspired me to create this album. Just imagine - if another civilisation exists in our universe, do they also love and create music? Do we able to communicate with them using music instead of language? I

What did you enjoy most about making 'Interstellar Radio?’

I tried to bring some 80s aesthetic to my album and mix it with some modern vibes. Interstellar Radio is not just an album, it is a musical and emotional journey. And I really enjoyed to tell this story using sounds.

Can you describe your typical creative process when composing music? How do you usually start a new piece?

Sometimes I just wake up and have a melody or beat idea in my head, or I just have an emotion and try to describe it in my music. I try to tell stories in my mind without lyrics using only sounds, melodies, and chord progressions.

Do you have a personal favorite among your compositions? What makes this piece special to you?

I love them all, it's a lot of work behind each piece. Maybe my favourite is “Exoplanet” - it is dark and romantic, discreet and emotional at the same time, it has some rock spirit and 80’s alike melody. Just hear this song, i am really proud of it.





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