Punk Head

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Fascinated by evolution and the beginning of the universe, Form is a four-year-long project of Marcus Herne. Making artificial sounds organic and organic sounds artificial, Herne is approaching the infinite middle point. “My sound lives somewhere in the exceptional middle,” Herne commented. 

In nothing lies everything. 

Photo credit: Matt Wash

“Forms” is an interactive conversation in relation to existence. Emerging from the wilderness and complete darkness, millions of invisible particles gather into being. Vaguely formed in the shape of the moon, the sun, the universe, a pupil, in the reflection of water, light, and landscape.  

The natural occurrence of symmetry is one of the beauties of the universe. Shapes and forms spontaneously formed and vanished in sonic reflection. In this multi-media project, the visuals and music complete each other, creating a bridge for a stimulating discussion between the artist and the audience.  

As a seasoned composer for a vast range of media, including film, photography, and spoken words, Marcus Herne’s music connects and interacts with different art forms and collaboratively creates a unique experience. But the art isn’t complete until the audience interacts with it and forms their unique interpretations. Therefore, the form becomes a carrier for thoughts, emotions, and intentions.  



