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Nobody's Wolf Child “Nobody's”

Belonging to no one and everyone is a state of freedom, where one is embraced by its surroundings and embraces back, and something deep inside one is being awakened, like remembering that all is one and one is all. “Nobody’s” marks the final chapter in Nobody’s Wolf Child’s Hexalogy, but it feels so much like a beginning. There are still conversations to be continued, voyages await, but at the same time, there’s a sense of resolution and peace throughout the track.

Being true to herself and her creativity, “Nobody’s” sees the blossoming of her primal, earthy roots meet intuitive world building. Instead of a certain landscape, the ever-changing sonics in the track resembles the alchemy of five elements: water, fire, gold, wind and wood—the essence of life. With ancient totem burned into the undertone, “Nobody’s” feels like a rite of passage, where one’s sense is being reawakened.

Like finding a piece of a missing soul, the final chapter of Nobody’s Wolf Child’s Hexalogy is subtly magnificent. It’s certainly a journey that changes you. On the imagination level, it’s fascinating how the world inside a song feels more real than the one we live in. There are truths underneath the genre-fluid, immersive odyssey, and to find them requires solitude and a pure heart.

Read our interview with Nobody’s Wolf Child where we talk about her brilliant “Nobody’s.”

PH: I absolutely love the earthy yet intuitive blend of elements as well as the immersive, multi-facet aspect of your music. Is there a place you find yourself most inspired or write your music at?

Nobody’s Wolf Child: Thank you….Well its a mixture of far far far away amongst the expanses of my inner world or mooching about in this one by the wild seas, the woods or the meadows.

PH: Tell us a little more about the meanings behind “Nobody's"

Nobody’s Wolf Child: Well beyond the blurb it would be over-explaining it and I don’t like to do that as I think while every song has a very specific meaning to the artist it should ultimately fall subjectively upon the listener’s ears. I like to encourage imagination not control it.

PH: What was your favorite moment in making the music video?

Nobody’s Wolf Child: Being a full Wolf child and performing the dance to the music. It was enjoyable to physically express that song.

PH: What’s your goal this year?

Nobody’s Wolf Child: I have many but the main one pressing on my thoughts is live show. Having a very elaborate imagination can be a double-edged sword when it comes to…this reality.

PH: What would you like to say to your fans out there?

Nobody’s Wolf Child: Awooooooooooooooo