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Mr. Thank You Releases “Project Graham”

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Bonding over a shared love of the obscure, and a mutual desire to make dynamic, multi- dimensional genre-hopping music, Mr Thank You formed in 2020, before spending the next two years honing their craft and perfecting their idiosyncratic sounds until they were ready to unleash themselves on the unsuspecting music scene of their native Manchester in the January of 2022.

Indeed, latest single ‘Project Graham’ is no different either, five minutes of suitably swimmy and psychedelic experimental alt-rock, the band describe it as being “inspired by a sculpture of the same name (also known as Meet Graham), which depicts what the human body might look like if it had evolved to withstand the impact of a car crash. The song is sung from Graham's perspective, and he considers himself to be a strong, superior being”.

A fitting narrative from a band who aren’t afraid to shy away from the weirdest aspects of life, ‘Project Graham’ is a collaboration in the truest sense of the word. “Each member of the band threw ideas into the mix as it was being written,” the band explain, “ the resulting track is a song that takes a number of sudden left turns as the listener descends further into Graham's ego.”

Five minutes of the wonderfully weird and the charmingly irresistible, ‘Project Graham’ is the second taste of a band both beguiling and batshit crazy.


