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Manu Chevalier On the Making Of “I belong to you (feat Michael Washington)”

What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of "I belong to you (feat Michael Washington)?"

I think the idea came first from the song UpTown Funk from Bruno Mars/Mark Ronson mixed with some old classic bands like Kool and the Gang or Shalamar

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for this song?

I did everything at home and Michael Washington, the singer, was hired to perform the song. He did a great job and it was a pleasure working with him, he always tried to give his best, listening to all my recommendations.

What has been one of your favorite memories along the path to making "I belong to you (feat Michael Washington)?"

When I started to write the song I was just married, and I was really in a funky/party way, and writing the melody was a real pleasure, I felt the groove right away.

Can you walk us through your creative process when writing and composing music?

Generally, I start with the melody. I’m not a good piano player but I can play a bit. So I used to play some chords and I sang the melody that I got in mind. Then I think about the mood or the subject I want to write about. Sometimes it comes easily, sometimes not. I also think about a storyboard and I try to match some words with the melody. It might be a long way. Once the song is written, I set the instrumentation and arrangements, I generally hire a singer who fits the style, but I sing some BV’s or I sing the chorus in a higher octave to bring something. Then I mix and master, which might be the longest part.

What are your future goals or aspirations as a musician?
”I belong to you” is my second official release. I’m promoting it right now, and I’d like to give it a great exposure. Then maybe it will give back better exposure for my first single “Get on the dance floor” which I released last year and which had several radio airplays.
Then I have other songs ready to go, but I take my time and I’ll see how things go. Maybe there will be an album or an EP in the future.
My wish would be an established artist/Musician/Songwriter/producer and keep on writing some new songs.


