Punk Head

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KAT “Rise”

KAT really impresses you with her powerfully soulful vocals in “Rise.” Expressiveness meets her naturally stunning vocal tune. “Rise” sees her further along her journey of empowerment, claiming her rightful place in the music scene. The song is an instant hit, and it grows on you as you carry it further in your life. With a blend of old school blues and souls, she gives you the power of truth and introspection. “Rise” was written during a traumatic breakup. While KAT may be hitting emotional rock bottom, the song sees the blast of rebirth. As if an empowering letter that speaks to you at different stages in life, “Rise” is about finding the strength to stand up and move on.

Even though the song was born in the thorns, it bears the bright, golden sonic palette that instantly lifts you up. You’ll find KAT’s brutally honest lyrics hitting hard as if she is speaking directly to you through the song. “Rise” doesn’t bend the truth or derive far from the truth. It captures the energy and strength as it emerges in harsh land, and that raw, authentic feeling is what makes this song really special.

At first, KAT’s vocal pulls you in, but it’s the song itself that makes you want to hit the replay button over and over again. “Rise” is full of life. It’s an empowering anthem that easily resonates with every one of us, and it seems to also inspire and evoke the same pure blast of energy to ignite once again inside you. It’s cathartic and powerful with deep vulnerability.

Read our interview with KAT and learn more about her writing process.

Punk Head: I love how intimate and honest "Rise"is. I can hear this being a rather personal project and is certainly different from what you normally do. What inspired you to write this song?

KAT: I wrote 'Rise' after a pretty traumatic break-up and when everything in my life seemed to be going wrong. By nature I'm usually a half-full kind of person, but I was struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The verses in 'Rise' are my admission of this, while the choruses were the anthem I needed to galvanise my spirit, that this too shall pass. At the core of the middle-eight lies the message that the only validation you need is your own. All reminders I needed at the time!

On a deeper level, 'Rise' is about the evolution of healing. Sometimes a supportive shoulder to lean on, or just knowing there is someone there who is holding space for you is enough to spark your own self-belief. In turn, your story shared, will be a guilding light to anyone still finding their way through challenging times. It is a beautiful ripple effect we can all be a part of. I hope 'Rise' helps anyone who is struggling at the moment, as much as it helped me to create it.

PH: What was a pivotal moment in your music career?

KAT: Writing, recording and performing songs from my upcoming debut EP "Warrior Heart' has been monumental for me! Creating my own mini album of songs was something I had always wanted to do throughout my career. Suddenly, I couldn't stop writing - life was providing me with first hand-inspiration, albeit through challenging times, and a way to process some pretty painful experiences. Being able to transmute them into something healing was, with no exaggeration, life-changing for me. Leading the creative process, that had started with just a little seed of an idea, finding the right producer and musicians, trusting my instincts and believing in what I was creating, to now be at this point, finally releasing my songs! This journey has had a huge impact on my artistic evolution while allowing me to rediscover my purpose, my voice as an artist and ultimately, reconnect again with my true self through the process.

PH: What is your creative vision as an artist?

KAT: To write, record and perform songs from a real and autheticate place that hopefully will resonate. Whether that is to bring comfort, joy, to rouse or empower! I love the art of storytelling and my music videos are also a huge part of this. Music is powerful and can change the world for the better, and I'd like to play a part in that!

PH: What was your favorite moment in making the music video?

KAT: I think wearing the huge angel wings was pretty epic! I'd come up with the main concept narrative of the video a while before filming it, and the wings were the first thing I sourced! They were hanging in my house for months before the shoot, I couldn't wait to put them on! Performing at St John's Church in Hoxton, London was also a beautiful moment.

PH: What is the one thing that you’d like your fans to know about you?

KAT: I'm a big believer that our vulnerabilities are one of our greatests strengths and should be championed! It is through these vulnerabilities that often we grow more than we can anticipate and discover our 'Warrior Heart' that will get us through those difficult times.

I'd also love to thank my fans for their continous support. I am truly humbled by the love and messages I've received especially for 'Rise' - hearing about their connection to my music, and how it has helped them in their own lives means the world to me.

Aside from that... I'm obsessed with cats (it's in my name after all!), believe in angels and love the sound of the sea, with the sand at my feet and the sun warming my skin - its my happy place!