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FICMARO On the Making Of “Now So Am I [from EP2]”

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Can you share any interesting or unique stories or perspectives in "Now So Am I [from EP2]?"

Well, there is a dichotomy between that soft soprano-like voice in the background and the rough robotic voice in the foreground. The two balance each other out where a listener is not directed in any one direction/mood. There is something humourous about the track, the juxtaposition of the sounds, and the story it tells, even dramatic.

What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of "Now So Am I [from EP2]?"

"Now So Am I" strangely came from my own work experience managing teams. I thought that leading a group of people meant I needed to be stoic, unmovable, and direct at all times, well needless to say, and due mostly to my own incompetence, I learned quite the opposite was true. You actually don't get your way most of the time and that's okay, instead, you're there to support others from a standpoint of knowing what their strengths and weaknesses are and working with that, together, to achieve success. On the other side, though, yes "Now So Am I" is also an empowerment anthem for one's personal life. Sometimes that zesty attitude is needed, the directness, the clarity in saying what you want/need, and not waiting around for others to provide it, that's all very important. It really depends on who is listening and where they are in their life and life choices; sometimes being selfish in a good way is necessary, and there is such a thing as that.

How do you feel "Now So Am I [from EP2]" represents your artistic identity or musical evolution?

It's danceable, mood-enticing, cinematic at times, and unique. I think these are all elements I tried to fit into 'EP2'.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in music?

I grew up in a fashion-forward-thinking home, a graduate of Performance Art, and I'm a fully self-taught Composer/Producer. I love technology, but I don't like the way it's evolving currently in society, more spirituality and ethics need to come into technology; and I believe if any society could do it well and harmoniously for the rest of us, it would be India. I don't know why exactly, but call it scientific intuition.

What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced as a musician, and how did you overcome them?

The Biggest challenge is rejection; like in any art form and/or business (because when you try to make money with art, it's no longer a hobby). You need to accept the fact that not everyone will like your music or even understand it. The important thing is that you stay honest and true to yourself. You'll come to realize we're all similar and even our struggles are the same, it just depends on how we want to hear them.


