Punk Head

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Weekend Punks give you a different surf punk experience. Blending the nostalgic fuzziness from the 90s rock with vulnerable, ethereal vocal, and swirling dream-pop, Weekend Punks EP consists of three vibrant tracks that challenge your senses with fresh, new feelings.

The band has an identical sound that could easily stand out in any crowd. They remind you of many things but at the same time offer you something brand new. The reverberant, amp-filled space immerses you with that rock n roll landscape, yet at the same time, instead of filling their music with screams, energetic punk vocals, they turn the camera towards the sensitive and imaginative side which opens up new possibilities.

The dreamful vocal brings a uniquely fresh, luscious texture into the sound that contrasts with the loud, electrified ambiance. Storming with a coming-of-age edge, Weekend Punks pluck your heartstring with three tracks that tune into those feelings through slightly different angles.

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Written by Katrina Yang


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