Dango Rose ‘The Forgotten Years

Dango Rose’s ‘The Forgotten Years: Vol. II’ Tunes Into a Collaborative, Experimental Chapter of Life

Music Review: Dango Rose "The Forgotten Years"

Photo credit: Dog Daze Photos

The Forgotten Years is a trilogy project that documents the different chapters in Dango Rose’s transforming life as an artist, poet, musician, and writer. The second chapter, The Forgotten Years Vol. II dives deep into a more experimental phase along with the deepening and awakening of the mind, taking you on a meaningful ride across the unexpected soundscapes.

Rose’s music is more significant than the sound itself. His use of form and instrumentation is very subtly orchestrated. It naturally flows and glows, communicating deep emotions, spirituality, nature, introspection, and inspirations.

Weaving electronic and world elements into roots, folk, and pop influences, Rose navigates between those intricate shifts in atmosphere and dramatic emotional, textural contrasts effortlessly. “The Singularity” is so brilliantly mixed with all the different influences. It gives you a taste of everything while dives into the topic of self and the world.

Hypnotic and deeply grounded, the project is rooted in an intuitive and reflective approach that naturally appeals to listeners. Dango Rose has an earthy, percussive touch to strumming that gives his music a very unique sound, for example, “Snow” and “The Singularity.”

Although very cleverly hidden in the background, the vocal harmony starts to really become an irreplaceable factor in “Snow.” The interactive melodies and beautiful texture are no doubt a surprise. It reached momentum in “I Fall Away.” From the spoken words that demand your attention to the beautifully illuminating soundscapes, the album is a journey itself.

Written by Katrina Yang


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