Brassy Argentina On the Making Of “Company”

What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of "Company?"

The other half of Wild Dogs In Argentina, Keiko; he sent a voice note whilst he was in the car. It was what is now the hook of “company”.

How did you work with the producer or engineers to bring your vision for "Company" to life?

All credits to Keiko Argentina he is the genius behind all the instrumentals and shoutsout to the Internet for facilitating the collaborative efforts of making this music; this is a made in Denmark, Candada, Cayman Islands type of song. He sent the beat over and then we went to work. Funny story; I had written a verse for a female vocalist on the 1st verse. We were sitting in the mixing and mastering session with the engineer KR Moore working overtime to try and get these vocals to match the energy of the track. It was not going well, Keiko was like yeah this is not working hopped in the booth and in like 5 minutes we had that first verse.

How do you feel "Company" represents your artistic identity?

Good vibes and quality conversations is what I am about. “Company” allowed me the space to convey a part of my being as well as the chance to experiment with my vocal range and writing skills.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in music?

Zimbabwean born artist, I have been honing my craft professionally for over 15 years. Currently based in Cayman Islands, 1 part of the duo Wild Dogs In Argentina with my Toronto based brother Keiko Argentina. I have been lucky to be exposed to different cultures from Africa to Europe to the Caribbean islands. This gives me a unique approach to songwriting and the ability to place myself in a wide range of musical styles as demonstrated in my catalogue and features. As a 90s baby I grew up around hiphop heads in the family, I guess learning the art-form of rap was a way to get their attention.

Who are some of your biggest musical influences, and how have they impacted your own sound?

Missy Elliot would top that list, her eclectic style visually and sonically always appealed to me top that off with a Timbaland beat, I was hooked. From that root it is easy to see how other influences range from the Busta Rhymes, to Ludacris, and Eminem. Listening to these artists made me focus on the technicality of songwriting and catching peculiar pockets in beats.




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