Punk Head

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Bingo Boys “Freak Out and Leave”

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Indianapolis punk band Bingo Boys returns with retro angsty fourth album. Freak Out and Leave is a collection of ‘90s-sounding garage punk tracks pumping through in one set. Raged with a distorted sonic palettes, cooked in punchy fast pace, Freak Out and Leave tackles themes from boredom, dissatisfaction to failure and other problems that a young person can easily relate to. Taking place in the midst of an intense discussion between the self and the rest of the world, Freak Out and Leave is in the midst of chaos and passion, beaming authenticity.

Eccentric and flaming, Freak Out and Leave never runs out of sparks. From dark distortion and illusive vocals sprawling in noise-coiled grunge atmosphere to high-contrast abstract mind-daze to heavy-hitting headbangers, the album reminds you everything about the 90s bands you grew up listening. Rebellious and unapologetic, having issues but never compromise—their music has an edge, an attitude that you love and hate.

From guitar to vocals to production, Freak Out and Leave sees the maturity of their craft, but rest assure, no creative direction has been changed. They are just getting better at being themselves. Everything that lives and breathes in their music is even more alive in their fourth album.