Punk Head

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Photo credit: Chris Basford

The heartfelt piano echoes Enrose’s expressionistic voice, the beautifully articulated lyricism puts you in perspective. “Feels Like Home” flows through your heart and eases your soul. Inspired by challenges in life, Enrose looks back at the negative experiences with a fresh outlook where she positively embraces them as a part of life’s journey, “feels like home,” is a metaphorical expression.

Enrose is an artist who amazes you with her creativity and imagination in her poetic lyricism. “Wind like a river, flower like a stream, but not as graceful as it may seem. You stood like a rock stuck in between.” She channels beautiful, healing energy through a fresh lens where she reflects and learns from each experience. She connects and resonates with listeners without being explicitly vulnerable.

“I chased what had already passed; Ran so fast it made me sore; But now I swallow my own song; It don’t make me cry no more; It was a pain that I adored; Boy, I swore I loved you more.”

As many may have stumbled upon Enrose on stage as a pop saxophonist who shreds at events and clubs, the artist has a tender, creative side where she sits in front of a piano and shares her stories through creative songwriting. She let the experience sit in the corner for some time before she opens the page and writes, so in her work, you can always find something moving and healing that puts you in perspective.

Written by Katrina Yang


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