Punk Head

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Idlefon hides melodies behind melodies. In a seemingly disoriented and chaotic world, he sheds light on the beauty and sacredness and creates a unique world around it. COLDSTREAM is massive and gigantic, immersive and complex, where Idlefon creates vivid imageries that flourish in your mind’s eye. Combining dark ambiance, glitch, electronic, and industrial elements, the artist paints the wall with his unique sound palettes shift the way you perceive the world.

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In the ascending visuals that thrive and empower in the cold, rigid messiness, sacredness and respect are established in “Coldstream.” The song leaves you in the decline of an echoing drone. “Marooned” starts with a loop where order/melody slowly evolves in the seemingly chaotic, glitch soundscape. Through the elevating string/organ pad that feels like streams of light spreading out and penetrating the heavy smog-like sound wall, transform this experience into something else, and then it fades in color as if it is returning to the pure, original state.

“Lucid Moment” combines industrial, electronic elements to create a metal-like texture that leads you into a trance. The percussion-centered piece has a thin layer of ambiance that builds up the vacancy of the space which introduces an interesting lucid moment. As the storming airy soundscape that is misty and gigantic in shape approaches, a melody underneath began to unveil, as if a human voice is vague.

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“Deadbeat” is something quite strange and experimental among the tracks. It has a cold, rigid surface that is identical to the album. Behind the vague, the melody reminds you of a person walking and singing, who you can’t really see clearly but it’s there. It gives you the mysterious, creepy feeling that is really powerful in its sonics.

Written by Katrina Yang


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