Punk Head

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Single By Sunday “Reputation”

Based on real life events, “Reputation” speaks up to online bullying and sabotage and how one simple act of selfishness could ruin the life of others. Like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, the latest release from Single By Sunday is more than ever fierce and truthful. Through the pain and trauma comes the creation of the song. In the process of their truth, they find strength and courage. “Reputation” is a hard-hitting banger with a lot of punches and hearts.

Sonically, “Reputation” feels liberating and refreshing with a drastic burst of energy that feels like the erupt of a volcano or the moment of freedom after so many years of burden-bearing and suffering. They bring a contemporary approach to the mid-eighties pop punk ethos. Nostalgic, energetic, but also heartfelt and refreshing. “Reputation” is a song that you just know you’re gonna want it in your life.

Check out our chat with Single By Sunday on the story and inspirations behind their empowering banger:

Punk Head: I like the storytelling in “Reputation.” How did you come up with the idea?

Single By Sunday: ‘Reputation’ is based on true events, so it wasn’t an idea that we came up with. Basically, 5 years ago a rumour was started by a fan that fancied a member of the band. It accused the band member of touching her inappropriately during a photo shoot, which she said she took as a sign that he also fancied her.
A friend of the fan posted this online and labelled the band member as a paedophile/abuser.

The fan in question later admitted that IT DIDN'T/HADN'T HAPPENED but was now too embarrassed to ask her friend to go public and retract the comments for fear of how it would make her look in front of her other friends/the public. A life/career nearly ruined because of a totally untrue and ugly rumour.

PH: Was there any challenge that you encountered while making the track?

Single By Sunday: Because it’s based on real incidents, it meant that some pretty painful memories had to be revisited. It’s actually surprising how much power the abuser has verses how much power the victim doesn’t have, and the Police don’t always help either. Apart from going back over old memories, we never really had any other challenges, thankfully.

PH: Can you tell us more about you as a band?

Single By Sunday: Yeah, we formed back in 2015. We’re known for our trademarked coloured hair, and we like to combine our energetic live shows with raucous guitars and a millennial brashness. We always try to retain some of the original mid-eighties Pop Punk attitudes.

The core band members are Josh Ladds - lead vocals and Jonny Eakins - lead guitar/backing vocals. We also have Joshua Clark on bass and Ben Morland on drums. We are great believers in not being ‘genre specific’. ‘What's the point in having different musical influences and not experimenting with them?’ - Jonny Eakins.

PH: Who are your biggest influences?

Single By Sunday: We grew up on artists like Blink 182, The 1975 and My Chemical Romance, they’re just a few of our influences.

PH: What is the one thing that you’d like your fans to know about you?

Single By Sunday: We take our music very seriously, but we don’t take ourselves too serious. That might seem like a contradiction in terms, but we don’t see ourselves as better than our fans, we’re just fortunate enough to have people that like what we’re doing and want to support us…. Thank you