Punk Head

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Oddysseys “Enough”

With haunting soundscapes making a mood-filled atmospheric impression and mesmerizing melodies linger in your ears with a lingering aftertaste, “Enough” proves that Oddysseys can make you fall in love with your music before a song reaches its end. They draws you into a spiraling and deepening introspection with your heart wide open. Something scenic and impressionistic, but at the same time, emotional and raw. You can’t really escape the influence their music has on you even if you try. There’s just something very special about these guys that gets under your skin. ”Enough” is infectious and intoxicating at the least.

As a pioneer band, Oddysseys forge their own path, one show and one release at a time. In the past years, they have left a trace of musical breadcrumbs from basements, warehouses to legendary venues across the U.S. and Canada. In the past, they have ventured into noise-coiled angsty aggression and so have they explored the elements of grunge and psych, but never the same time until “Enough.” The single marks a new era for Oddysseys. They are at a crossroad of sounds. Breaking and forging.

Through the shattered, fluttering noise came the rasping soar, but then these sharp edged sounds twist and weave into soundscapes, blurring the scenes like sonic panting. The melodies are a mood and a state of mind. They are deep in an introspective and vulnerable space, while it’s also explosive and aesthetic. There are so many different things that organically happen in the music. It traces back to the emotions at core.

Even though dark and depressive in color, there’s heart in the sound, and that’s what makes Oddysseys’ music so relatable. Dug from the underground and brings to you with honesty. They give you storytelling inspired by life, and there’s no pretense or bullshit or whining in their music. Everything in there that’s so sharply contrasting or atmospheric or sad—it’s just life.

“Enough” is at core genuine and authentic to who Oddysseys are as musicians. Together with their next single “Music Video,” they are embracing the next grand journey through a 2-part EP in conjunction tion with U.S. and Canadian tours set in July and September.