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Magna Zero ‘All Must Go’

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Chaos, beauty, life, and death forms a constant turmoil, in which all is none and none is all, balance remained. Magna Zero’s debut EP All Must Go taps into a progressive sonic landscape, in which earth-bond instruments filtered through a noise-infused chatter, painting a conceptual “black hole.” They call for love and unity, tackling philanthropical themes like morality, grief, existentialism, selflessness, rebirth and transcendence.

“All Must Go” depicts the struggle one undergo to detox itself from attachment. Pain and transcendence flickers in the recurrence of minimalistic melody work. The hauntingly hypnotic single bathed in a zen-like aura, while its darker theme sonically resembles the push and pull as if battling a demon. The vibe and sound here resembles an overlap of early John Frusciante’s solo work and his mellower melodic pursuit in Californication era.

The disobedient, hard-hitting “Walking to Nowhere” takes a sharp turn heading down the odyssey of death. For one must see death to live. In the endless howling of hundred souls and the wicked wind blown from the abyss where scratches and frizziness channeling a sprawling psychedelic vision. Noisy, drastic, and haunting, “Walking to Nowhere” is a magnificent sonic experience where the mystic meets the ancient. At times, you even could mishear the guitar and bass in there for ancient chants, dooblidoo and tuvan throat singing and sounds alike, though they are not really in the music.

“Endure” is an anthem with strength and rawness. Explosive solos and unpredictable bridge echo through the reverberant ambience. Edgy, glitchy, grand and even slightly gothic, like sailing through a storm at sea. Eventually, love and light prevails.

“We Are All” transforms guitar and bass to a more metallic texture, resembling instruments from Eastern Asia (possibly gamelan). It’s a beautiful peace that interweaves continents and cultures together, sending a message that we are all connected. The piece has a slight exotic flavor, though an impression of everywhere and nowhere.