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I Got Worms ‘The Second Shot’

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The Second Shot opens a box of impressive earworms with each and every one of them full of heart and wit. I Got Worms, the eclectic, fun-loving band from Indianapolis create such a vibe with their own brand of noise coiled drones, foot-stomping rhythms and infectious melodies. They pop up anthems like candy pops. Intoxicating and irresistible. They are clever and humorous, upbeat but never lack of depth. They are the kind of artists you just know would leave an experience so deep that will probably stick with you for the rest of your life.

They are never lack of personality and little surprises. I Got Worms’ anthems have an inventive palettes of sonics. Witty word play, in-your-face lyrics, deep topics but hearty words. But there’s definitely a deepening and colorification in the progression of The Second Shot. Even though all the songs adhere to their own brand of earworms, they manage to make each song memorable and distinctive.

“Endorphins Are Good” sprays you cool with spicy guitars, where as “Waterboy” speeds up with raspy voices full of hard-hitting punches. “Ammo” is darker in sounds, “Wait For You” wears its heart on the sleeves. Pop and frankness. “Born To Die” then ends on a sentimental note.

Songs like the ones on The Second Shot can only be written from people who genuinely appreciate life for all its bullshit and fun. Harsh, no BS but plenty of BS. They just have the attitude that you really love. Like a tickle. I Got Worms is an unstoppable force. They are here to make you laugh and here to make you dance. Their songs tackle deep, serious subjects too, but all written from an honest place.

The second Shot is perfect for festivals and any kind of road trip, beach hang and live shows. They are a promise for an unforgettable night.