Aza Brown “Sticky Situations” - Review

Sticky situations in life are no fun. A shift of perspective and attitude goes a long way. Partially inspired by a cat, Aza Brown taps into a tranquil, Zen-like journey while taking place in the midst of chaos and whirlwinds. He brings a unique blend of earthiness and psychedelia in this refreshing single, “Sticky Situations.”

“Sticky Situations” is a track of great contrast. The track opens with strong visual, but not without an avant garde flair. Threads of strings intertwined in dissonance. In the background, the entangled, sticky situation feels like four walls melting in liquid acid. As the unpleasantness drifts into the background, the sultry, psychedelic soundscape instantly tunes listeners to a different frequency.

Setting its scene in an entirely different vibration, the recurring warmth draw in the sun while the whispery vocal put you in a mellow and obscure mood as everything bad simply fades further away. Jingling percussions ring like the summer rain, nurturing your soul and mind. In this nuanced, psychedelic entranced sonic landscape, you’re beginning to see the light and path.

It’s interesting to how Aza Brown brings in different influences in his music. He has a very unique, spiritual blend of sonic pallets that’s sultry, nourishing and optimistic. On top of classic power rock and psychedelic fantastics, Brown incorporates a modal shift in the middle of “Sticky Situations.” Of course, the sticky situation is still there, but you can always choose to not being disturbed by it. Stillness and being undisturbed has so much power over turmoil and drama.


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