Speckled Band “Dominion”

“Dominion” lies between mood-filled obscurity and though-provoking lucidity, with a classic sounding nostalgia that draws back a lost era. Rich feelings and unbending uniqueness—their music forefronts the meanings and emotions conveyed by the lyrics, crafting a sonic world around it.

Speckled Band questions the nature of power and fame and the heavy price that comes with in “Dominion.” The storytelling in “Dominion” can’t be separated from the thoughts around the exploitation of Robert Evans, the main producers behind The God Father, how he might have been the big man behind an all-time classic yet had so little control over his privacy.

“Dominion” has an edge, from those who stir you with thought-provoking lyrics and distinct soundscapes. Evocative and drastic. In the process of creating a wonderful sonic journey for others, Speckled Band have not lost themselves in the chase of fame. They gives you something that lingers on your mind long after listening.


Owen Young ‘On A Day Like That’


Matt DeAngelis “Can't Write About Today”