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Shredded Bulbs “Waterfall”

Shredded Bulbs have stage charms that can’t simply hide behind the studio recording. They are a dynamic group that takes great joy in performing their music. Even during a time when live performances aren’t possible, the moment they touch their instrument, those charming energies just automatically find their way to the sound.

Versatile vocals and electric drums with electronic textures and the psychotic catharsis of rock music find their path in “Waterfall.” The song absorbs those ideas, brewing a unique expression. At first, there’s a tension that seems to be pressing on the thin line of the explosion but it never does. This chaotic energy is somehow transformed as the song progress, into something optimistic and meaningful.

It all comes to what waterfall stands for. “The water always looks for a way, even if there is no obvious way, this is the love that the song describes, the community, the trust that this connection knows no bounds,” Shredded Bulbs commented. It’s about finding that common ground and unity, which also seems to be where all the different musical elements are heading.

The Austria native band always put joy and love into their music. “Waterfall” gives you the impression that this is just who they are. You can even hear the laughter and synchronization between the duo in the recording, although it would surely be much more powerful to see them play live.