Punk Head

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Mother Vulture On the Making Of "GO BIG OR GO HOME"

What was the creative process like for this particular "GO BIG OR GO HOME?"

“GO BIG OR GO HOME” was written and brought to life from just Chris (Bass) and Georgi (Vocals) initially - the song was presented to the rest of the band as a surprise to raise spirits after a bit of a frustrating period for Mother Vulture, this song is an expression of that frustration and solidifies that we only need the four people within the band to make something happen. We all learned the song from a demo version, honed parts then took it the studio with one of our dream producers, Adrian Bushy, who was an absolute legend in every way! Now we're ready to take it on tour and GO BIG!

How do you feel this single represents your artistic identity?

This song encapsulates everything that Mother Vulture do best. It is a combination of our best elements. If our songs Fame or Shame and Mr. Jones had a baby, this would be it. Its big, its aggressive, its catchy, its fast and this is what we think our fans love about our band. You're all welcome....

How did your band members initially come together?

The band formed in parts really. All met at uni through working on different bands and projects. Brodie and Matt met early to start a project (this band) but at that time it didn't quite pick up - Brodie continued the pursuit, found Chris, wrote some songs then they stumbled upon this Georgi at an open mic night, heard him sing and then left Georgi with no choice but to join the band. After a couple of years with a different drummer, various gigs and recording sessions, Matt got another call when the time for a new drummer called and have basically been on the road and in the studio constantly ever since. Last year saw the release of the debut album 'Mother Knows Best' and there's no doubt of the momentum continuing, onwards.

What do you enjoy most about performing live and connecting with your audience?

The Mother Vulture live show is an intense experience. There's no right place to be looking, the members are everywhere, jumping around, jumping on eachother, jumping into the crowd - theres no choice in what you're hearing, every member is pushing for their space aggressively but working seamlessly together to give the crowd something to sing along with and plenty of interaction with the band and the music throughout. Its a hard and fast ride for everyone in the same space. We dare you to try and keep hold.


