Misanthropic Therapy On the Making Of “Realm Of The Absurd”

What was the creative process like for this particular "Realm Of The Absurd?"

The instrumentalist Geezzup constructed this piece, along with the five other ceremonial audible tolls that together form our side of the upcoming split EP Hymnes à la ruine du monde over the course of several years, allowing his inner energies to fester, feed and undergo their metamorphosis until finally vomiting itself out in the guise of black metal. After from what I understand was a long while of searching, he eventually found me (M.A.L.I.C.E) to record some vocal enchantments over it, which I did by listening carefully to the overall feel and atmosphere of the release, tuning in to the correct frequency and unleashing what seemed natural.

Can you talk about the recording and production process for "Realm Of The Absurd?"

The vocal recording was made by me in the UK. All other recording and production was made by Geezzup in Canada. The writing process took about 2 years and one song was actually written 20 years ago by Geezzup and never got recorded.

What are you most proud about this track?

I think it flows well and is a good overall representation of our overall sound. I like to think it showcases both Geezup and I's strengths and it sets the tone for the upcoming release.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in music?

It was quite an organic process from what I can tell. From a very young age, I liked to try unusual sounds with my voice and always had an affinity with things like graveyards, crows, black leather, dark imagery, and a psychological distance from others. I've been doing vocals for around 20 years, over that time I have built up a variety of nuances to the voices which I hope to keep adding to as I channel further whatever force it is inside that wants me to spew out blackened hate.

What role do you feel emotions play in your music, and how do you channel them into your performances?

A particular piece of music can invoke a certain feeling/s inside, and I can use my own experiences to articulate those emotions in my chosen style. I have no doubt a lifetime of misanthropy, melancholy, and alienation has manifested itself as a need to conduct varying blasting sermons with blackened spite.

At times it can feel like I'm a conduit of some unseen entity or entities, and it's something that's channeled through me. All I know is I heard the call of the wintermoon a long time before I considered trying vocals or searching for black metal bands.





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