Punk Head

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Lily Bauer “I know better”

“I know better” is about regrets and wrong decisions. We’ve all been there at least once in our life. We knew we shouldn’t have, but did it anyway. “I know better” is about everything that led to that decision. Lily Bauer’s celestial yet melancholy voice spills out a confession about loneliness and love that hits every heart that stops by. A minimalistic yet intense acoustic soundscape is all she needs to tell her story. With sensual and story-soaked lyrics that feel like a film and a choreography, “I know better” is thought-provoking and tear-jerking.

Bauer is utterly confrontational and raw in her music in a way that not many artists are able to do even when they swear to give you everything they have. She delivers, with grace and style, with her naked heart and all the loneliness and desires that haunted her at night. The truth has power, and songs like “I know better” are those that reach deep inside you. It’s like she can read your mind. She sees the emotions you hide, and she digs them up. Listening to her music feels as therapeutic as it is perspective-changing. Lily Bauer allows herself to be completely naked in her music, and so are you.

Bauer first started out as a busker playing her own songs on the streets of Sydney and Malmo. She writes about the moments in her life, and through articulating these unfiltered human experiences, she connects to listeners in a very unique way. No matter who you are and what you do, you’ll always discover something new about yourself in Bauer’s songs.

Read our interview with Bauer and learn about her journey.

Punk Head: I love the openness and truthfulness in your music, but being vulnerable in the writing process can be a really hard thing to do. How was your experience writing songs that are based on your own experience?

Lily Bauer: Thank you so much for saying that! When I am in the songwriting process I don't really think that much about it. It has always been a way for me to process things I have been through and I see it as a safe space. It is mostly afterward that it feels a bit overwhelming when I think about the fact that people are actually going to listen to my inner thoughts.

PH: What do you like the best about this track?

Bauer: I like the raw and gentle feeling and how soft the vocals and guitar turned out. I mostly listen to acoustic music myself so it was great to make a more minimalist track.

PH: How is the music scene in Stockholm?

Bauer: It's good! There is a pretty big community of independent artists and musicians in Stockholm and we support each other. There are also quite a few decent venues around that we can perform in.

PH: Who are your biggest inspirations?

Bauer: My biggest inspirations are Birdy, Phoebe Bridgers, Donovon Woods and Taylor Swift. They are all great songwriters and write really personal and genuine songs. I have learned a lot from them!

PH: What is the one thing that you’d like your fans to know about you?

Bauer: That I'm releasing my debut EP at the end of May! I am really proud of how the production turned out and I look forward to sharing it with the world.